Lend with assurance

Grow your Bag
Tribbe™ is a peer-to-peer money marketplace for social circles in Africa. Our community works together towards mutually beneficial outcomes through borrowing and lending within their social circles to improve their financial health. Join Tribbe™ and start building your wealth social circles today.

all over Africa
in a few minutes.

Create your account

Create your Tribbe™ circles

Create Circle rules

Lend and borrow.

You set your terms

Tribbe™ Credit Score

enjoy your Tribbe™!

Multi-currency platform
From Africa to the world
Always affordable and instant
No Fx costs
Mobile first
Privacy & Security
your net-worth
We all need a community that seeks mutually beneficial financial relationships, and your social circles can be the best sources of credit at a low cost. Tribbe™ grows your net worth by building trust in your network. All around the continent, the culture of building communities around financial goals has lifted people and communities for decades. Tribbe™ is here to make it possible across Africa.

Get in line for Tribbe™

At Tribbe™, we are working to release our mobile app to the public in November 2021. Add your email to our waiting list and we will be sure to notify you when our app is ready. Click the icons below to add yourself to the notifications list.