countries with tribbe

Lend with assurance

Tribbe uses credit scores to reduce your risk when lending money to your social circles.

Grow your Bag

Tribbe helps you grow your money by earning an interest when you lend to your trusted circles.
< What _is _Tribbe™>
Credit Score is GOLD

Tribbe™ is a peer-to-peer money marketplace for social circles in Africa. Our community works together towards mutually beneficial outcomes through borrowing and lending within their social circles to improve their financial health. Join Tribbe™ and start building your wealth social circles today.

< app_benefits >
Build your Tribbe
all over Africa
Our credit score helps you decide whether people in your social circle should be lent money. If you do lend, we provide incentives for them to pay you back on-time and take away the hassle of having to ask for your money yourself.
Lend your circles an interest free loan, or add interest of 1% - 10% and make some money from your generosity. You can have your money work for you.
Lending works for you. By lending, you help your social circles while building your credit score. So when you need to borrow, you can get more money, from more people, at a lower interest rate.
We all need credit. So why not get it from people that trust you and have your best interests at heart. Your privacy stays secure and your repayment terms to your circles are flexible.
Borrow from your social circles in place of one person. This helps you achieve your financial goals faster and lessens the burden on a single person you care about.
By borrowing and paying back regularly, you increase your credit score and open up opportunities for yourself to borrow more and lend more, growing your network and net-worth.

< how_it_works >
Learn to use Tribbe™
in a few minutes.

Create your account

Download Tribbe™ on Android or iOS and create your account and username.

Create your Tribbe™ circles

Create groups called Circles and put your friends, family and colleagues into these circles.

Create Circle rules

Add specific rules to each circle: credit limits, borrowing permissions, your visibility, interest rate caps etc.

Lend and borrow.

You can request a loan from your circles and see requests from those in your circles for a loan.

You set your terms

To lend or borrow, set the terms and share them with those you select in your Tribbe™.

Tribbe™ Credit Score

In Tribbe™, a user's credit score is their trust metric. Keep it high to get access to the best deals.
Become a member &
enjoy your Tribbe™!

Multi-currency platform

It does not matter where you are in Africa, Tribbe™ is working to serve you.

From Africa to the world

Tribbe™ is building a community in Africa while planning to go worldwide.

Always affordable and instant

Tribbe™ has a 4% transaction fee. No hidden cost. No FX rate hikes. Simple.

No Fx costs

None. We keep it simple.

Mobile first

Convenient and quick.

Privacy & Security

At Tribbe™ we stay loyal.
< social_capital >
Your net-work is
your net-worth

We all need a community that seeks mutually beneficial financial relationships, and your social circles can be the best sources of credit at a low cost.  Tribbe™ grows your net worth by building trust in your network. All around the continent, the culture of building communities around financial goals has lifted people and communities for decades. Tribbe™ is here to make it possible across Africa.

Get in line for Tribbe™

At Tribbe™, we are working to release our mobile app to the public in November 2021. Add your email to our waiting list and we will be sure to notify you when our app is ready. Click the icons below to add yourself to the notifications list.